Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Guacamole Made Simple

Avocados are in season!  I know, there are a zillion guac. recipes out there, and good ones too.  But I heard a rumor that some people don't eat avocados because they're fattening.  What's the deal yo?  Avocados are high in fat, but they don't make you fat.  Here's why you should eat them often:  fiber, potassium, Vitamins A, C, E, B, minerals, folic acid, low saturated fat, low sodium, and zero cholesterol.

**Did you know our bodies make all the essential fatty acids we need except for two: omega-3 and omega-6.  Guess one place you can get those?  Did you say, avocados?  You are so smart!  Their health benefits include helping lower cholesterol levels, regulating blood pressure, and protecting against heart disease and stroke (monounsaturated fat). Avocados are nature's butter.  Replace some of your dairy with avocado and you will reap the benefits!

I like guacamole that is not covered up by a lot of other flavors.  I don't add onions and tomatoes to my guac. cuz this ain't salsa!  Try with unsalted corn chips and you'll be amazed at the deliciousness.

Here are my simple ingredients:

3 Avocados, mashed. Hold some out cubed, to stir in
2-3 garlic cloves, diced fine
Juice of  1/2 lemon or lime or both
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 teas. sea salt
pepper to taste

P.S. by the time I was done typing and posting this, I ate all the guacamole.


Anonymous said...

Oh em gee!! I can not wait to try this. I have only heard they are fattening and nothing good. You have replaced the two ingredients I don't like with two ingredients that I love. Thank you Tracy.

Eating Smart (Tracy) said...

You're welcome! Enjoy!

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